
Post-pandemic, I started focusing on making Electric Catnip an in-person experience. Live performances feature projections of my psychedelic art videos while I play improvisational electric guitar. The videosonic experimentation continues to evolve…

An interview with Brian

on the Stand Up & Shout Rock Show


Instagram Feature & Interview

In 2020, my video “Crystal Catnip” was featured in Instagram’s #ThisWeekOnInstagram editorial series. I was interviewed about some of the ideas behind Electric Catnip.



One of my very favorite works, “Duet” is a visual expression of the magical moments in the early days of love, when there seem to be infinite possibilities. When I uploaded “Duet” to GIPHY in 2018, I never imagined that it would be used in digital expressions of love over 60 MILLION times. It’s amazing to know that so many people have used it to send a kiss in chat, in posts, and stories. “Duet” captures the sweet trepidation and glowing hopefulness in the moments before a first kiss. Feel the purring visuals, see the world glow.

“Deconstructed Catnip”

This short video was a finalist in the first (and only) GIPHY Film Fest.

Electric Catnip

Deconstructed Catnip
A psychedelic vision of a cat.

The First Viral Trip

“Fishtank Freakout”

My first piece to go viral. I uploaded it to Facebook on a random Monday night in February of 2017, and within a few days millions of people had their first Electric Catnip trip. Sorry, the music was too loud, it went viral before I could fix it 😬